Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sports Injuries

This is a table which gives information about sports injuries. There are 10 different sports; the Australian football is exposed to more serious injuries.

The highest number of sports injuries is Australian football, it has 10,122 injuries. The percentage of total sports injuries is 24.5% and those who are admitted to hospital is about 7.5%. The second highest sport injuries is soccer and has a 9.2 percentage and some of them are admitted to hospital at 7.1%. The sport that has the average percentage of the injuries is cricket, basketball, netball and hockey. They have 8.3%, 7.8% and 3.0% for percentage of sports injuries. Surprisingly enough, martial arts is at 8th place in the list, with 882 as a number of injuries at around 2.1% and 5.6% hospital admissions, and hockey at 7th, which is less than expected.

In conclusion, the two main sports that show up more than once on this table as highest are Australian, because it has highest number of injuries, and rugby because it has the highest percentage of hospital admissions.

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