Sunday, May 29, 2011

Etisalat censoring websites

In the UAE the Etisalat company blocks some sites because there are some people who use these sites for bad uses. And these uses are not good for the UAE. There are some people opposed to this thing and there are others for. This essay will examine the pros and cons of media control in the UAE.

There are several arguments in favor of the Etisalat company having blocks on some sites. The first argument is that some people are using the internet to spread some things on the unethical sites. This problem is very important, because this damages the reputation of the country. Another argument is that censorship can be used to prevent politically motivated propaganda. There are many forms of propaganda that talks about politics in the wrong way. Yet another argument is that censorship can protect children from learning things that could harm them. There are many channels that can destroy children’s thinking.

Also there are many arguments that disagree with censorship. The first argument is that it is used to control people. There are many people who do not feel comfortable when you watch them. Another argument is that it can be used to distract or hide truths from the people. There are many news channels used in this way to distract the people. There are many good arguments for and against censorship.

In conclusion, I agree that censorship is important for us and protects from anything that is harmful. Hopefully this remains so.

Word: 250


Some say examinations are an unfair way of assessment and should not be used at the HCT. I think the examination is important and should be used at the HCT. The examination at HCT has both positive and negative aspects. In this essay I will look at the examinations at HCT and discuss both sides of the argument.

First testing is fair, because all the students take the same test, and are assessed equally. Secondly, testing is a good way to determine what students have learned in the course. On the other hand, this will encourage students to work harder and will give them good feedback on their understanding of the subject.

Now let us look at whether examinations are unnecessary. They cause nervousness and testing doesn’t fulfill the purpose as students get lower grades because they feel unwell. Another point is that the examinations are not a fair way of giving grades, since students should be graded on their classroom assignments. Yet another supporting point is some exams are poorly written and are culturally biased against non western students. For example, some exams written by western teachers for a western audience are biased and non westerners will score lower due to this bias.

In conclusion, I think the examinations at HCT are important and the supporting points are stronger than the negative points.

Word: 244

Visitors to Canada

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan between 1996 and 2006. Overall, there was a large change in the number of visitors to Canada in the decade.

Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. The number of visitors from Japan was 800,000, while 250,000 came from Spain in 1996. The number of Spanish visitors as shown in the graph differed from the number Japanese visitors by 50%. Also, the number of Spanish visitors was the highest in 2004 and the lowest in 1996. Moreover, the number of Spanish visitors grew significantly. Between 1996 and 1999 the visitors from Spain sharply increased to 620,000 visitors. The fewest number of visitors from Spain was in 1996. The number of Japanese visitors remained steady from 1996 to 2001. In 1999 the number of Japanese visitors gradually decreased. On the other hand, the number of Spanish visitors sharply decreased.

In conclusion, the number of Japanese visitors to Canada outnumbered the Spanish visitors during the 10 year period.

Word: 196

Workers coming to Dubai

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of workers from UK and Canada coming to work in Dubai between 1990 and 2006.

The biggest change was in the number of workers coming to Dubai from Canada. In 1990 there were only 10,000 workers who came to Dubai from the UK. From 1990 to 1994 the number of workers increased slightly from each country. In the next three years, the Canadian workers and UK were equals at about 65 thousand. From 1997 to 2002, Canadian workers coming to Dubai continued to rise and it rose to about 85 thousand and the UK numbers rose slightly to 70 thousand in 2002. There was a slight rise in Canadian workers in the 2004 and there was an increase from the UK. Finally, the Canadian workers and United Kingdom workers ended equal at about 90,000 in 2006.

In conclusion, the Canadian and UK workers rose to 90,000 in total respectively. The Canadian workers rose by 80 thousand and those from the UK rose by about 50,000 in total.

Word: 180

Saturday, May 21, 2011

#5 Mobile phones- argument

There are some who drive dangerously while using a mobile phone and then they might have an accident. The mobile phone is a good means of communication but when you use this while driving it will be dangerous for anyone sitting with you. I think the mobile phone use has pros and con sides and I will discuss both sides.

First, when you use mobile phone if it’s illegal than police can stop you or everyone using on the road. If there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets. Another pro point is that the accident percentage will go down. If the people aren’t using their mobile phone then they will concentrate on their driving. Yet another pro point is that the traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs.

Let us talk now about the con points when you use mobile phone. First, if you have an important call, and you don’t have your headphone you can answer the phone later. Another con point is that you can stop and complete your call on the side of the road, but you can still talk from your car. Yet another point against is that businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an appointment.

In conclusion, the against points are more than the supporting points, so using mobile phone while you driving is very dangerous. In my opinion people should be use mobiles only in an emergency, and not for chatting to friends while driving.

Word: 257